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Forenübersicht » Con-Kalender » [Poland, Lower Silesia] Fantazjada 2014

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Czarny Wilk ist offline Czarny Wilk  
[Poland, Lower Silesia] Fantazjada 2014
14 Beiträge - Tavernengänger
Czarny Wilk`s alternatives Ego

For unknown for me reasons, my previous attempt of creating this topic failed, so I'm trying again.

All important information about Fantazjada:
1. Place: Poland, Lower Silesia Land, Silberberg (Srebrna Góra)
2. Time: 19-22 June
3. Cost: 100 zł (about 20-25 Euro)
Answering the question: You can pay when You arrive, or earlier ,by transfer.
4. Who can participate in LARP ?
Everyone, who has at least 18 years.
If someone, has less and want to participate in the LARP, please contact me by PM, I will explain additonial conditions (such person must be at least 16 years old).
If You still have less, again , contact me. We will think of something.....
If You are parent with little children, also, PM for further information.
Of course, You also need to have a costume and all necessary stuff to play and survive in Wild Poland.
5. Trailer of this year edition:

6. [B]Who to play ? Where to register ? Where to get help ?

We encourage to play as players, there is only a few NPC-like characters and they have less fun.
I advise to register on our forum and say hello to everybody here:
You can ask any quesion on the forum if You have any doubts.
About Your characters,ideas, question contact here:

Notice from myself: of course, for the Scenario Team (I'm not their member) will be the best, If You send a delegete , who will contact with them, write how many people from Germany want to go, who You want to play and how You want to play etc.
Just my suggestion. On the other hand, there are a few intelligent people in the Scenario Team, so They will handle everything You do.

I won't give You more information about registration etc., I leave all decisions about it to thoose guys (registration, plot is in Polish, so maybe They will think of something else).

7. Where to sleep ? Are there shops nearby ? Is there water with hot showers ? Are there roads in Poland ? What legendary wild creatures can I encounter in Poland ?
Every player can slepp on the tent field in a tent. There will be showers, but only a few. For thoose, who want more comfort, You can rent rooms in nearby hotels (I will list three closest, no, I don't get money for it. Yes, there are roads in Poland. The wildest creature which appeared on the Game Field Was a bear (only few elves saw him, soooo.....). The closest shop is about 1,5 km from Game Field.

Hotels etc.:

If You have any other questions, ask here , or by PM.
Basically, the most important thing for Thoose, who want to go Is to contact the Scenario Team here:

With regards
Black Wolf

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war !" Czarny Wilk / Black Wolf / Schwarzwulf
Mercenary men-at-arms.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Czarny Wilk am 18.03.2014 - 17:11.
Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 17:08
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Yava ist offline Yava  
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Mich lockt die Sache mit dem Beer....

Lilly Magaria - Lydra Priesterin & Gottkaiserin
Prinzessin Lillifee
Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 18:04
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Haren ist offline Haren  
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Vielleicht sammeln wir erstmal Teilnehmer für die OT-Expedition, d.h. zum Beispiel gemeinsame An-und Abfahrt?

Meine Wenigkeit kommt zu dritt mit einem Wagen. Für den Fall, dass wir eine IT-Delegation wollen, hier die Spieler im einzelnen:

- Skadinia... Waldläuferin
- Marek.... Dolmetscher (polnisch-deutsch)
- Haren... Jäger, Fallensteller

Für eine IT-Delegation bräuchten wir aber auf jeden Fall irgendwas mit Adel, oder?

Haren, Heldenklatscher
Alle Waffen... alle Aufträge

Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 20:52
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Czarny Wilk ist offline Czarny Wilk  
14 Beiträge - Tavernengänger
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I would be really delighted, If we could stay on English here....

Pleeeeeaaasseee ?

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war !" Czarny Wilk / Black Wolf / Schwarzwulf
Mercenary men-at-arms.
Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 21:01
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Cevelon ist offline Cevelon  
4151 Beiträge - JackassLarper
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I love your Trailer. verliebt

Some Questions:
If I have my own Tent i can sleep on the tent field, right?
Do you use a rulesystem and can i use my regular Larp Charakter like my monk?
Do you can give me a Google-Maps Link to the Location?

Netztexte: Plenken, Don't feed the troll!, Aussagekräftige Titel für Diskussionen

OgerTeam: Online Charakterbogen, MeinQuest, OgerBlog

Fragen zum Con bitte immer an
Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 22:03
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Haren ist offline Haren  
232 Beiträge - Hardcore-Larper
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Uuuuh... I am sorry!
First we want to see, who will join our "Foreign Expedition"... and later we will discuss the possibility of building a ingame-delegation, for this we will need an aristocracy-player.

I am at Fantazjada with one car and three players
- Skadinia ... a female scout
- Marek... interpreter
- Haren ... hunter, trapper

Haren, Heldenklatscher
Alle Waffen... alle Aufträge

Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 22:06
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Czarny Wilk ist offline Czarny Wilk  
14 Beiträge - Tavernengänger
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Original geschrieben von Cevelon

I love your Trailer. verliebt

Some Questions:
If I have my own Tent i can sleep on the tent field, right?
Do you use a rulesystem and can i use my regular Larp Charakter like my monk?
Do you can give me a Google-Maps Link to the Location?

Thanks for the appreciation.
1. Of course, You can sleep in Your own tent on the Tent Field. Also [drums] You can sleep in someone other's tent on the Tent Field - if that person will agree for that (or if You are a damn good and quiet thief/assasin).
2. What do You mean by "Do You use a rulesystem" ?
About the character You should ask the Scenario Team, but I am quite sure, that there will be no bigger problem with that.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war !" Czarny Wilk / Black Wolf / Schwarzwulf
Mercenary men-at-arms.
Beitrag vom 18.03.2014 - 23:22
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Haren ist offline Haren  
232 Beiträge - Hardcore-Larper
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We are at Fantazjada with 3 -5 players.
Are there other interested parties here? If yes, please get in touch here...

Haren, Heldenklatscher
Alle Waffen... alle Aufträge

Beitrag vom 06.05.2014 - 21:14
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Smolle ist offline Smolle  
80 Beiträge - Gewandungsgriller
I rechecked my date book and it says, that I have to give away my bachelor homework before the Fantazjada, and the regular tests after Fantazjada, seems I found some time to participate.

If a berlin group could give me a place in a tent, and maybe have a spare field bed? (bed is not necessary, I can lay at a camping mat (only if tent has a (Bodenplane)). I would like to follow as a healer.

As I am new and don't have much more (And don't have the time to get much more until June) than a shirt and a cape (+ a few bags and my "normal clothes especially pants ^^) I don't need a lot of spare space.

unfortunately it seems there's not a close railstation, so I really need a lift. (I have a car, but it's a Peugeot 206cc, that means I could take only one person with me and their stuff.) (not a big cargolift, but as I don't have a lot cargo with me it's fine.)
Beitrag vom 06.05.2014 - 21:47
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Czarny Wilk ist offline Czarny Wilk  
14 Beiträge - Tavernengänger
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Great to hear that.
If You have any questions or doubts write here, on the scenario e-mail or to me via facebook.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war !" Czarny Wilk / Black Wolf / Schwarzwulf
Mercenary men-at-arms.
Beitrag vom 07.05.2014 - 12:36
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Czarny Wilk ist offline Czarny Wilk  
14 Beiträge - Tavernengänger
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Hello again !

If anyone still wants to go on Fantazjada, but haven't registered and created a character in our character-base, I have great news for You- it is possible to go to Fantazjada, create character and pay for the game in Silberberg, just before the game.

So if anyone has any doubts or hesitates- stop it ! Pack Your socks, grab Your gear and ride straight to us.

In case of questions, please contact me here:

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war !" Czarny Wilk / Black Wolf / Schwarzwulf
Mercenary men-at-arms.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Czarny Wilk am 07.06.2014 - 08:22.
Beitrag vom 07.06.2014 - 08:18
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